Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Calling All Heroes.

After the dust had settled post presidential election I looked out at the vast political landscape and guess what I saw ?  Yes I saw a orange buffoon with a chinchilla on his head who says the most ignorant and idiotic things, but that's not what I wanna talk about here.  I looked out and I saw............  Nothing.

I saw bupkis because the Democratic party is in the middle of a identity crisis.  In the last election we ran a anti campaign.  Anti Trump, anti alt.right, anti nationalist flavored fascism, anti this, anti that...... Anti.  Running a anti campaign only works when you also stand for something, giving a compare and contrast message that unifies and galvanizes.  Well we didn't and we all saw how that turned out.  We need to find our identity, a profile of what we stand for and who we are.
So now I look across this landscape searching for a hero, the next Democratic party, and hopefully progressive champion.  Don't get me wrong, there are a few worthy contenders such as Elizabeth Warren, Bernie, Keith Ellison, but no one has stepped into the vacuum and planted the flag.  Someone is going to have to step into the breach, or are we content to let Trump and the GOP dictate the national narrative for the next 4 years. The GOP has their poster boy.  Who do we turn our lonely eyes to ?

Even though the face is fuzzy, I can see clear as a beacon what she or he stands for though.  Democratic Party leadership write this down, Sir Richard will quiz you on it later.  This champion stands firmly for the working men and women of this country.  They are more than eager to sit down in town halls all across this great land from the rural heartlands in Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Georgia, anywhere in the 50.  This champion cannot wait to tell you how their vision differs from the trickle down corporate cronies and how they are fundamentally different from Don the con and his ilk.

This Champion stands with and for Women, the LGTBQ community, those who feel persecuted, marginalized, and oppressed.  Whether they were born here or are here because they want to be a part of the american experience.  This Champion tears down walls, this Champion not only knows what E Pluribus Unum means, but identifies with what it stands for.  This Champion is everything Trump isn't: deep thinking, articulate, empathetic, knowledgeable, respectful, humble, and wise.  This Champion is NOT just another big money, big pharma, corporate stooge who is tainted by the Washington shuffle of special interests and status quo.  It is time for progressives to become more active in the dialogue and remind those why Bernie could get 20,000 people to show up at a rally, and remind the party leadership that all those people haven't gone anywhere and that they are looking for a champion too.

The time is now folks, we need someone to step forward and lead.  If you see her or him, do me a favor will you ?  Shine a light on them, tell all your friends who they are because maybe this Champion hasn't even thought about it yet. So happy hero hunting.......