Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sins Of The Past....

I have a confession to make tonight folks, a confession that is painful for me personally to share with you. I am ashamed, ashamed to admit that I once used to be a republican, I am ashamed that I once used to be a conservative.
I used to embrace the conservative ideology of rugged individualism and small government in the sense of the old Ronald Reagan idiom "Government is the problem, not the solution". By maturing and becoming better educated I have slid far, far to the left and I believe that I am a much better person because of that maturation and education.
You see, the Republican Party and conservatives have moved so far to the right that it has embraced Corpratocracy and bared their souls which are filled with hate, racism, misogyny, and ignorance. It is an embarrassment to the nation and myself that the nomination of a major political party stands for nothing and has no vision other than building walls and dividing a country in a time that so desperately needs unity. The hard truth is that the party of Lincoln is no more, and is sadly now the party of Trump. Everything that the GOP used to stand for is dead, trodden under the wheels of a new facist corporate machine. In embracing Trump, the Republican Party and conservatives have sold their soul and sold out their beliefs in a last ditch effort to be relevant and to get back into the White House. In doing so, they have lost all credibility and I believe have been infected with a ideaologic cancer and will eventually die unless someone in the GOP can save it from their descent into history.
I look at the news and my Social Network feeds and I see people who are emboldened by Trump's candidacy and feel that there is a "green light" now to publicly profess their passive aggressive racist beliefs and blindly follow their candidate who has nothing in common with them and lives in a fact free bubble where ignorance and hate rule the day. The right likes to call us on the left "sheeple" and I've always found that ironic since it's the left that has always been a proponent of "free thinking" and standing against a cookie cutter uniform conformity.

So I sit here before you ashamed that I ever was a Republican but I take solace in the fact that I'm not alone. If you or anyone you know find that you can't be a part of the trainwreck that is the GOP, don't just bury your head and hope the bad man disappears, know that there is life after the Republican party and it's not too late to see the light. Join the Progressives and help make a world where love and prosperity rule and all people have value and equality.

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