a deep cleansing breath folks, we're almost at the end of this
campaign season. It has been a long slog through the mires of
negativity and hate. It has made us feel that we almost needed a
bio hazard suit and a long shower to wash off the political dirt. Do
me a favor though before you start the decontaminating process, VOTE.
We are at a bell weather, fork in the road moment in American
history. This election is a referendum on our values and on what
kind of country we are going to be. This isn't just rhetorical
hyperbole here, this is literally a pivotal moment which could have
deep and momentous impact on our country, our society, and our loved
ones. We have seen a presidential campaign unlike any other before,
and this is coming from someone who was a history major in college.
I want to talk to you for a minute. For many of you this is your
first or second chance to vote, to make your voices heard. If you
don't vote, your voice won't be heard. If you are silent, which
voice will fill the silence? Will this voice be a voice of hate and
division? Will it demean and malign those who may have a different
skin color, a different gender, someone disabled? Will this voice
speak of changing your reproductive rights? Or marriage equality?
After you do your soul searching.... VOTE.
I want to talk to those who don't think that this is a big deal. You
may be thinking "I hate politics, they both suck and you know,
my vote doesn't matter". You may be listening to this and
thinking about what reality TV show you're going watch later. Am I
being a little snarky here? Yeah I guess I am, but if you don't
vote, you may wake up Wednesday morning with a new dark reality, and
more crappy reality than you know what to do with.
I want to talk to those who aren't going to vote at all. If you
don't exercise your franchise then I don't want to hear one whiny
word out of you. As far as I'm concerned you should sit in the
corner the next four years thinking about how close you came to
having Cheetos Hitler as your president. If he does win, then you are
really in the proverbial dog house. You saw this coming and you
still decided to sit this one out.
take a deep breath people, it's almost over. We can see the light at
the end of the tunnel, so VOTE to make sure that the light at the end
of the tunnel isn't a train coming the other way.
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