Wednesday, January 4, 2017

An Open Letter To 2017

Hello there 2017, it is good to meet you.  I hope you are nicer than your older brother 2016, he was kind of a douche bag if we're going to be completely honest.  There's some big changes coming right out of the gate, rapid fire that will leave us all trying to catch our breath.  I would like to talk to you about a few that I am concerned with.

The biggie (or I should say bigly) is obviously taking place on the 20th when we swear in as President someone unlike any who've served as Commander in Chief before.  No elected Government experience, serious conflicts of interests, lies above 70% of the time, has a 4th grade vocabulary, oh I and I nearly forgot to mention he's racist, homophobic, xenophobic, narcissistic, and sociopathic. No, no, no, no, 2017 I'm not being overly polarizing here, let's nip this in the bud right now.  If you have repeatedly made racist, homophobic, xenophobic statements again and again, guess what: that's what you are plain and simple.  It's not parsing and it's not semantics.  It's time you come to terms with that fact, history will not be kind in this regard so you better get used to it.  I don't think I'm being sensational here when I say that we are a divided people, and it disturbs me that we have become so disconnected with each other that it seems that we're talking two different languages.

2017, I feel that we're at a fork in the road, a pivotal point where we are going to decide what kind of country we're going to be.  Is this a yawp from a disenfranchised segment that feel their country is changing so they vote for a human Molotov cocktail with a bad comb over??  Or are we at this point because we have become so dumbed down and desensitized that our standard bearers are people who entertain us because we have turned into one big national reality show.  No I'm sorry 2017, I'm not being just another left coast elitist.  I just have higher standards when it comes to picking who will represent us in government.  The attributes I look for in a candidate do not include making fun of people with disabilities, utter contempt for women, veterans, the elderly, the LGTBQ community, minorities, would you like me to continue 2017??  I don't want this year to be a "I told you so" year, but sadly I think it's going to be.

Also, can we just ease up a little on the whole death thing??  I mean c'mon, David Bowie, Prince, Muhammad Ali, George Michael, Carrie Fisher.... Leonard Cohen goes but Bieber is still walking around... Someone explain that to me... (just kidding on the Biebs thing).  Could you at least give us a moment to recoup??  I know we're all getting older and it's the way of things but I feel like we just ran the light and into oncoming traffic.

I just feel 2017 that there is going to be some deep, profound fundamental shifts in our lives, and not for the better.  Will we continue seeing a rise in open bigotry??  This sickening trend of discrimination towards anything or anyone who isn't white, male, heterosexual, and rich??  So I am going to lay it out there right now so you don't say you didn't see it coming.  I am going to resist....  I am not going to just lay down as we march towards an authoritarian fascist corporatocracy.  I am not going to be silent, I am going to keep doing this show and building an alternative voice, different from the cookie cutter right wing corporate crap that you hear incessantly whining on and on up and down the dial.

So 2017, thank you for sitting down and letting me voice my concerns.  Now get the hell out of the studio, we got a show to do !!

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