Saturday, February 25, 2017

Sleeping Giants

On December 8th, 1941 there was a euphoric celebration going on among the staff of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, celebrating the stunning, devastating surprise attack upon the United States Pacific Fleet based at Pearl Harbor. While the staff whooped it up, there was one man who sat alone "sunk in an appearant  depression". It was Yamamoto himself.
It seemed that he and almost he alone saw what the eventual outcome would be. There is a famous quote attributed to Yamamoto just after the attack:
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve".
You see, he knew that once this emerging colossus that is America was stirred to action and galvanized in purpose was awoken, Imperial Japan's days were numbered.
As I look at the footage from the several Town Hall meetings that took place this last week, I can't help of being reminded of that ominous quote. It is beyond doubt that the campaign, election, and ascendancy of Trump has brought about a mass political awakening. The raw emotions voiced at these gatherings from coast to coast from moms & dads, from the elderly to a seven year old boy, illustrate to us that we are waking up from a miasma  slumber and looking for answers.
In these bell weather moments there is a reckoning. We have seen it through history, both human and American. You can hear, see, and read it in documents and speeches like: "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary.....", "Four score and seven years ago......", "Hell no we won't go.........". We are starting to see this reckoning in our Town Halls and in our streets. Again, I would like to point out to our Republican and conservative brothers and sisters that math does not lie. You are not the majority and there is no sweeping mandate. Trump's dystopian dream of walls, mass deportations, muzzled media, and authoritarianism will not long endure.

There is much talk about how the left is in disarray and it may be that there are some division at the moment but make no mistake, this shall pass. As F.D.R. rebuilt during the depression, as President Obama brought us back after a great recession, we the people, we the sleeping giants are starting to wake up and our voices will be heard.

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